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You searched for: SOCIAL BENEFITS in SUBJECT

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Showing results from 1 to 20


Bakan, Abigail B., Daiva Stasiulis.
Foreign Domestic Worker Policy in Canada and the Social Boundaries of Modern Citizenship.
McKay, S., D. Smeaton.
Working After State Pension Age: Quantitative Analysis. Department For Work and Pensions.
Muckenberger, Ulrich.
Zur Rolle Des Normalarbeitsverhaltnisses Bei Der Sozialstaatlichen Umverteilung Von Risiken (About the Role of the Standard Employment Relationship Within the Social Redistribution of Risks - Probably the Most Frequently Cited 'classic' Reference.
Utredningen om Deltidsarbete,Tillfalliga Jobb Och Arbetsloshetsersattning.
Sainsbury, Diane.
Gender and Welfare State Regimes.
Supiot, A.
Beyond Employment: Changes in Work and the Future of Labor Law in Europe.